Friday, 18 May 2012

umpan patin(greenbait): umpan patin~ Greenbait (1)"

~iDid you know? How bait is progress? The answer is time to face the opponent. When I was in the manufacture of this bait, I almost feel a need has been fishing well again improved, and at this time born in February 2011 a new master, in addition to technique, he also had the secret bait , he can not stop to caught fish, I also have to face reality at this time , two month had challenge every aslo fail, and finally succeeded in April 2011 to create a "Greenbait (1)" was changed the situation, win back face. In order to let other fishermen, also can be done, specially in this (video) i hope can share with you. .

~Diaofa: bomb fishing, 1) string into the bread hook, wrapped in spring bread and materials 2) string into the bread bag bread hook string of bread and feed outside the (sink to the bottom fishing)
~Bait for Patin,Pacu,Rohu... by Greenbait (1)
Makings:The material into the container by hand stir in the coconut milk added, and then cut the bread by adding one or two centimeters Stir container。
Weight:600g & coconut milk200ML
* Note: (If the material is too dry add a little water)

* Note: (Not suitable for use in many small fish(tilapia) pond, because the bait is too strong(tilapia) induced to come surrounded .

你知道吗?饵料是如何进步的?答案是面对对手的时候。当我在制造这饵料之前,我几乎觉得已经钓的很好了不需要再次改进了,就在这个时候二月2011新的高手诞生了,除了他的技术超凡之外,他的饵料也是才是真正主角,他能不停钓上鱼,我也在这个时候必须面对现实也在这二个月里每次挑战都失败,终于在2011年四月成功制造出"Greenbait (1)“才改变了局势,胜回面子。为了让其他钓友也能做到这点,特拍了这(video)跟大家分享。。。

材料: 把料放进容器在加入椰奶用手搅拌均匀,然后再把面包剪成一到二公分加入容器搅拌均匀
*注意:  (如果料太干可以加点水)


重量:600克&椰奶 200毫升 


  1. 你别下衰啦!曾经你坐在我的旁边以为遇见高手,那知道你的料是不可以用,还爬着出去一条鱼也钓不到。。。。

  2. 想像如果没人去下衰的话怎么能做出好料!
